Bosch: Legacy - Investigating season 1 episode 4

2022-05-13 22:03:01 By : Mr. Angus Yan

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May 6, 2022 by Tracey Phillipps 1 Comment

Harry goes into stealth mode to make a huge discovery about Carl Rogers. Maddie continues to face the aftermath of responding to rape victim Preeda Saetang. Honey gets a new client who first met in Bosch season 7. Harry meets the sister of Dominick Santonello.

Let us investigate further the events of Bosch: Legacy episode 4.

Bosch arrives to Oxnard, CA and gets a call from Honey. Her associate Matthew has uncovered some incriminating information about the son of Simon Wakefield. She hopes to use the information against Wakefield to get information on Carl Rogers.

Bosch enters the home of Olivia MacDonald and learns that she is Dominick Santonello’s sister. She misses her brother deeply and is saddened to learn of Vibiana’s passing so soon after Dominick was adopted.

Olivia shares some photos of Dominick with Harry. One shows “Nick” as she calls him wearing another soldier’s shirt because he agreed to take the swim test for his friend with the last name Lewis. Olivia also allows Harry to look through Nick’s military trunk. Harry looks through the items being particularly interested in the Purple Heart medallion, a hairbrush, camera and a film cannister.

Ever the detective, Harry notices that there are still strands of hair in the brush and the film cannister is not empty. There is a roll of undeveloped film in the cannister. The film must be almost 50 years old.

Harry promises to send Olivia copies of any photos that can be rescued from the film.

After arriving back to Los Angeles, Harry receives a call from Olivia. Two men showed up to her door after Harry left claiming to be from the VA. They ask if Nick has any heirs that could be benefit from survivor payments. Olivia tells them no. She and Harry both find it strange that this subject would come up so many years later. These guys do not sound legitimate.

Harry tells Olivia to let him know if they come back for any reason. Bosch looks out the window and sees the same car still parked and watching for his next movement. Then Bosch calls Mo knowing that these sketchy visitors only came because Harry is still being followed. Mo suggests that the surveillance of Harry is from above rather than behind – drones.

Harry decides to not let on that he knows about the drones.

Later, David Sloan waits for Harry upon his return to his office. Sloan claims that Mr. Vance is sick and has asked him to follow up with Bosch. Bosch assures Sloan that he will only speak with Mr. Vance directly. Sloan makes the mistake of trying to hold the door open as Bosch goes inside and starts to close the door. Not cool, dude. Harry tells Sloan that Vance can call him when he is feeling better.

After Sloan leaves, Bosch leaves a voicemail for Mr. Vance asking him to call.

Meanwhile, we see Vance’s personal assistant, Ida, giving him a check to sign for the St. Helen’s Home for Unwed Mothers. Vance suggests the amount is not large enough, so Ida agrees to establish an ongoing gift.

Whitney attempts to steady his right hand upon his left to sign the check. It is too difficult for him. Ida takes the special heirloom gold pen from his hand and signs the check for him. Vance thanks her for always helping him.

Bosch visits a film expert to ask for help developing the film from the cannister in Nick’s trunk. The developer is very skeptical due to the age and condition of the film. From the film you can make out a woman holding a small child in some of the photos. Bosch asks the developer to make those particular shots a priority.

The developed photos do show a woman holding a baby. The mother and her presumed child are on Coronado Island. You can see the distinctive Hotel Del (Coronado) in the background.

The film developer ascertains a date range for when the film was manufactured. The “AJ-72” indicates a manufacturing date for the film between April and June of 1972. Bosch wonders how Nick could have taken the photos if he was stationed in Vietnam between December 1971 and December 1972. Nick could not be in Coronado and Vietnam at the same time.

Later, Harry meets with his good friend, Dr. Golliher to show him the photos. The two friends understand the great risk for an American soldier attempting to return to the continental U.S. during their deployment in Vietnam.

Dr. Golliher even points out that a soldier could be court marshaled. Bosch wonders if Nick may have risked even that to see the baby, suspecting that she is his newborn baby at the time.

In other news, Maddie is tormented with memories of her brush with death from Carl Rogers’ hired hitman. She envisions her assailant and Preeda’s rapist as she takes her run by the Hollywood Reservoir.

Later, she and Vasquez drive near Preeda’s apartment building. Maddie suggests that they stop and check on her. Once again, Vasquez reminds Maddie that the case is out of their hands now. She keeps driving.

The subject of Preeda comes up again that evening when Maddie joins several of her academy classmates for drinks and storytelling. Rico shares about his encounter helping deliver a baby on the job. Another trainee describes her call to the site of a jumper. Paulina asks Maddie about the rape victim she helped. Maddie brushes off the topic and walks outside. It clearly makes her uncomfortable.

Maddie begins walking and appears to end up outside of Harry’s office building. She calls her dad. It’s a very sweet moment between father and daughter as Harry assures her that he is there for her. He invites her to come in and see Coltrane. She declines and Harry makes sure she has a safe way to get home.

Marty recommends Honey for a new case. The client is a victim of wrongful arrest after being flagged by facial recognition software.

We see a familiar face from Bosch season 7. The client is Russell Barnes, the valet from The Magic Castle that Harry and J. Edgar questioned in regard to the vehicle used in the apartment fire.

You may recall that Russell has been trying to keep his life on track years after an arrest for grand theft auto. Barnes has been working and has a family. In fact, he was in the driveway helping his son fix his bike when the police ascended upon him and arrested him for armed robbery at convenience store. It was extremely upsetting for Russell and his family.

Russell explains that he has an alibi that was never even checked by the police. Honey and her associate Matthew visit the convenience store and talk to the owner. Matthew learns that surveillance cameras record at the store 24/7.

Honey meets with Detective Gutierrez who handled the robbery case. Honey talks about records showing that facial recognition software is disproportionately more wrong in cases involving people of color. She catches him off guard when she refers to the photo used to “recognize” Russell’s face. Honey cleverly points out that the robber has several tattoos on his arms and Russell has none. Clearly, the detective did not do his job.

Later, Honey tells Russell that the department will give him 1.2 million dollars if he does not pursue the case at trial. She also points out how strong their case is and that he would likely get much, much more by going to trial, not to mention the attention it would bring to flaws in the system. Russell feels more securing taking the money now.

Alex Ivanovich reads the headline on the morning newspaper. The headline says that Carl Rogers is being sued for wrongful death in Bella Winslow’s civil suit. Alex is displeased since he cannot get his money from Rogers if he goes back to prison.

Later, the other Ivanovich brother, Lev, surprises Rogers as he pulls out of his garage. Rogers insists he is going to meet his girlfriend, but Lev suggests he is trying to go on the run. Rogers says he is very close to getting the money for them. Lev responds by saying that “close” only matters with “horseshoes and hand grenades”, which happens to be the title of the episode.

Mo calls Bosch and tells him that Rogers is driving to a restaurant named Eat at Rudy’s. Bosch calls upon now retired detectives Crate and Barrel to listen in on Rogers at the restaurant. Rogers is at a table with financial advisor Simon Wakefield and two other men.

Crate and Barrel utilize a recording device from Mo because it’s too hard to hear the conversation. Rogers tells the two other men at the table that they need to move forward faster with their operation. Both Simon and one of the other men insist that it is too dangerous, too noticeable to speed things up. Rogers will not back down.

One guy leaves the restaurant, and the other unknown man holds up a keychain and tells Rogers that he can erase the whole operation in seconds if something goes wrong. It sounds more like a threat than a promise.

Crate follows the first man who left the table and Barrel follows the guy who said he could make the operation go away.

The next day Crate and Barrel meet with Honey and Harry to share their findings. The name of the first guy is Penzak and he is a pipeline operator at the Drysdale Oil Refinery. The second guy, Aslan, owns a trucking company plus an old PVC manufacturing plant. The plant is currently closed but covered up with security. Barrel reports that tanker trucks arrive to the plant and enter a garage with the door closing behind them. The individual trucks stay there for about 20 minutes before exiting the garage.

No one is sure what is going on there, but Bosch decides he needs to get inside the plant.

A tanker driver stops at a truck stop. As he walks toward his truck, Barrel stops him under the ruse of finding the guy’s wallet inside. The driver assures Barrel that is not his wallet. Fans will chuckle at seeing the ID in the wallet belongs to Crate! The conversation gives Bosch time to sneak into the truck and hide behind the cab’s curtain.

The tanker enters the plant and goes into the garage as expected. The driver steps out as another person connects a hose to the truck. Bosch slips out unnoticed and begins to snoop around.

A security guard comes close, so Bosch quickly opens a door in the floor that leads him to a tunnel below the garage. Bosch looks around and finds a tap into the Drysdale pipeline . Then he sees some explosives attached to a pipe.

Bosch takes some video of his findings and sends them to Honey. He messages her that Rogers is stealing gas! We suspect that the explosives are what Aslan was referring to when he said could make evidence of the operation disappear in seconds.

Bosch climbs back up to the office room and sees a box and wires by the phone. We assume it is connected to the explosives he found below. Bosch tries to sneak out undetected but stops in his tracks as a security guard holds him at gunpoint.

It was fantastic to see fav favorites Crate and Barrel assisting Harry in Bosch: Legacy season 1 episode 4. They are so much fun and very reliable. It is hard seeing Maddie facing the darkness of her job, but she knows her dad is always there for if she wants to talk about it. How could Nick (short for Dominick) take photos in Coronado during his deployment to Vietnam? 

It was also good to see Russell Barnes keeping his life on track. Thankfully, he had Honey in his corner fighting the injustice served him by Det. Gutierrez

Bosch: Legacy press interview part 1

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Filed Under: Articles, Recaps Tagged With: Amazon Freevee, Bosch Legacy, Bosch Legacy recap, Gregory Scott Cummins, Madison Lintz, Michael Connelly, Mimi Rogers, Prime Video, Stephen Chang, Titus Welliver, Troy Evans

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