DIY mum shares how to transform an old coffee table into a stylish piece for less than $100 | Daily Mail Online

2022-08-19 19:03:36 By : Mr. Allan Sun

By Louise Allingham For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 20:34 EDT, 24 April 2022 | Updated: 21:10 EDT, 24 April 2022

A handy mum has shared how she created a stylish budget-friendly table that looks just like designs that sell for $1,800 in designer stores. 

Jaharn Quinn, from Queensland, 'fell in love' with an old glass coffee table from her local tip shop and shared how she transformed it into a very on-trend piece in a video posted to her popular Instagram page Smor Home. 

The savvy DIYer used four pieces of PVC pipe covered with plaster for the legs and stuck them to a chocolate-coloured glass table top. 

Thrifty mum, Jaharn Quinn shared her stunning DIY coffee table transformation she create with an told table top, plaster and PVC pipes

The Queensland mum said she 'fell in love' with an glass coffee table and shared how she transformed it into a on-trend piece in a video to her popular Instagram page, Smor Home

'Technically I started this upcycle six months ago when I found a gorgeous coffee table at my local tip shop and fell in love with the chocolate glass top, which I was able to buy on it's own for $10,' she wrote in the post. 

'Even though my original plan was to use concrete to make the chubby legs, and even though I sat on this idea for a long time, I am thrilled I was able to come up with a much easier (and physically lighter) solution while not losing the vision I always had in my mind.' 

Jaharn starts by cutting her 16.5cm wide PVC pipe - which she scored at the tip shop for $5 each - into equal lengths with a hacksaw. 

Jaharn cut the PVC into equal lengths and coated them with strips of plaster cloth that had been dipped in water making sure no to overlap and left them to dry

For the plaster, Jaharn used Gyprock multi-purpose joint compound for $27.40 from Bunnings and mixed it with three colours from Dulux's colour oxides - chocolate, sandstone and brick

She then traced out four circles of cardboard, cut them out and taped one to the top of each PVC pipe. 

The creative mum then cut some plaster cloth into small strips, dipped them into a shallow bowl of water and wrapped each pipe with them, being careful not to overlap, and set aside to dry. 

For the plaster, Jaharn used Gyprock multi-purpose joint compound for $27.40 from Bunnings and mixed it with three colours from Dulux's Avista colour oxides - chocolate, sandstone and brick. 

Jaharn covered the dried pipes with the plaster mix, set aside to dry for at least 12 hour then sanded them down and applied another coat

Once the PVC pipes set, she covered them with the plaster mix and set aside to dry for at least 12 hours. 

Jaharn then lightly sanded the plastered pipes down and coated them with another layer of the coloured joint compound. 

After they dried, she gave them a layer of clear matte sealer from Bunnings and stuck them to the underside of her glass table top with Selley's liquid nails.  

Jaharn's budget coffee table flip cost less than $100 and was inspired by a designer coffee table that retails at $1,795

Glass panel or table top

4 x PVC pipes at least 38cm high and the desired diameter of your choice

Mod wrap plaster cloth - $4.97 from Officeworks

Gyprock 4.5kg Multi-Purpose Joint Compound - $27.40 from Bunnings

Dulux Avista Colour Oxide in White, Brick Red, Chocolate and Sandstone - $16.50 each from Bunnings

 Cabot's Cabothane Clear Matt Sealer - $19.90 from Bunnings

Selley's Liquid Nails -  $7.50 from Bunnings

1. Cut your PVC pipe to size with a hacksaw. Wipe them clean with disinfectant wipes. 

2. Trace a circle around the pipe using a pen onto an unwanted piece of cardboard (from a cardboard box). Cut it out. Tape it onto the top of the PVC pipe and repeat until all the PVC pipes have been capped.

3. Cut the plaster cloth into small strips. Dip each strip into a shallow bowl of water and squeeze off excess water. Wrap each PVC pipe in plaster cloth. Set aside to dry. Careful not to overlap the cloth where possible. 

4. Add the colour pigments to the joint compound. I used 1/2 tablespoon Red Brick, 1/2 tablespoon Sandstone and 1 tablespoon Chocolate.

5. Cover the PVC pipes in the coloured joint compound. Set aside to dry for at least 12 hours. Depending on the weather, it may dry quicker.

6.  Lightly sand the compound and apply another coat of the compound. Set aside to dry.

7.  Seal the chubby legs and set aside to dry for 2 hours.

8. You can position the legs wherever you like - close to the middle, edges or corners. Lay the table top onto your work surface, underside facing up. Glue the PVC pip legs onto the underside of the table. Set aside the dry for at least 24 hours. Carefully flip the table over.

While the crafty mum used a table top from an old coffee table she said there are plenty of suitable glass panels available at Bunnings. 

Jaharn's budget coffee table flip cost less than $100 and was inspired by a designer coffee table that retails at  $1,795.

The stunning DIY impressed many of Jaharn's 11,400 followers. 

 'Looks amazing, you really do think outside the square,' one fan wrote. 

'Wow your creativity is out of this world,' said a second.

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