We can make better use of solar energy every time. Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds and things have changed a lot. Solar Panel Structures Compared to these items a few years ago.
In addition to being more powerful devices, they’re also cheaper, so they’re perfect for any type of consumer, regardless of their budget.
Along the following lines we are going to mention the latest advancements which are revolutionizing solar energy technology,
Humans are already aware of the impact betting has on the world and the importance of betting Renewable energy, Experts are working on creating a solar panel structure that can produce more electricity while keeping the same size.
It is estimated that from 2010 to the present there has been a decrease in the price of solar panels which reaches 90%, However, it should be kept in mind that other factors have not reduced its cost, such as the cost of the land where the solar panels will be installed or the labor.
This technology is being improved as follows:
This technology saw the light a few years ago, but it won’t be until 2019 when it starts to become popular. In late 2020, in countries such as China, priority was given to manufacturing the special crystals used to shape this type of panel.
las bifurcated solar panels They are the ones that have the ability to take advantage of the solar image hitting the back of the surface. They are more efficient than conventional solar panels.
They are made of a transparent sheet or one that has been designed with double tempered glass. For their part, cells are monocrystalline or polycrystalline.
Their main feature is that they also have photovoltaic cells on their backs, and thus can take advantage of reflected radiation. At the same time, in the upper part, they will directly take advantage of the radiation.
As technology advances, new materials are also being discovered that can improve the efficiency of solar panels, as is the case. perovskite,
it is a supplement polysilicona (a material widely used for the manufacture of these devices). Perovskite is very fine and transparent. It is a mineral that can be used to cover solar panels that have already been designed to improve their performance.
There are also projects that suggest they can be used to shape transparent windows that can produce solar power.
PERTPV European Project (abbreviation for perovskite thin film photovoltaic) is arranged in University of Oxford And it aims to use this material as an absorbent material and to compare the results of new cells compared to conventional cells.
Henry SnaithProfessors at the university assure that this is the right way to bet on better performance.
Most solar panels to date are designed in ultra-refined polysilicon. We are talking about a type of material that can be turned into sheets made of very fine cells. And the structure of these sheets shape the solar panels.
the size of the cells is 156 mm,
There are various lines of research that are studying how to increase the size of cells. This will allow to increase the performance of each unit, as well as invest less in their manufacture.
A lot of work is also being done on this technology that promises to change everything by 2024.
Everything indicates that if the polysilicon panels are charged Negative (so they would be called type-any) can significantly increase their efficiency.
The idea would be to use some sort of element to make them negatively charged; That is, they have to get an extra charge of electrons to get through. some elements are being studied that may serve, as is the case phosphor,
It is true that this technology greatly increases the price of solar panels, but it will also make them a 3,5% more powerful.
Another promising study focuses on PVNB, We are talking about a practical noise blocking system that will use photovoltaic solar technology.
The objective of this project will not only be to achieve Renewable energyBut at the same time it can be a good system for reducing high noise levels.
It is not exactly a revolutionary technology (the first photovoltaic acoustic barrier was installed in 1989 in Switzerland), however, it has evolved a lot in recent years.
These are the 5 technologies that can change everything in the field of solar energy.
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