Most of the time, we guys head out into the wild to test our mettle against nature. Once we reach an ideal spot, the next step would be to set up camp and put up our tents or sleeping bags. However, if ever you’re in the mountain village of Usseaux be sure to check out the Immerso.
A camper trailer or RV is great to have if you prefer some off-grid creature comforts of home outdoors. But if your journey takes you to the Piedmont region of Italy, an overnight stay or two in this cool cabin is an experience nobody should miss. What makes it interesting is the gimmick that comes with the package.
This is the work of architects Fabio Vignolo and Francesca Turnaturi. It’s a perfect destination for locals and for those who want an escape from the city. They’re calling it Immerso for a reason, because of the transparent walls and roof of the cabin. Take note that guests only have 65 square feet of space, which can be claustrophobic for some.
Nonetheless, the plexiglass delivers a feeling of openness as the sky and surroundings remain visible. There are also full-height windows, which take advantage of natural lighting throughout the day. Curtains are likewise available if you need privacy. The Immerso is engineered to be modular and easy to build.
The prefabricated parts don’t need any electric tools and can be quickly set up with enough manpower. According to the duo behind this project, “in order to achieve Immerso, the production processes have been optimized to achieve the first module built with fully interlocking birch phenolic plywood panels, for which the hardware is only used to anchor the transparent coating to the structure.”
Images courtesy of Make Yourself A Home
Once visitors reach the top of the Vltava Philharmonic Hall, there’s a rooftop restaurant, a ballroom, and jaw-dropping views of Prague.
The Executive trim caters to clients who want an opulent configuration for their fully-electric Alice aircraft so they can travel in style.
Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa says the Overwater Reef Residence has enough accomodations for up to six with two children.
Given that Casa En La Siria is situated away from urban areas, it becomes a wonderful place to unwind and reconnect with nature.
Bornstein Lyckefors built the Villa Timmerman cabin as a getaway that overlooks the sea and becomes a cozy shelter from the cold in winter.
To put it simply, 314 Architecture Studio draws inspiration from the amphitheaters of old for the design of the Gods and Dreams resort.
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