By Petr Knava | Social Media | October 18, 2021 |
By Petr Knava | Social Media | October 18, 2021 |
The bottom of a bath. The grimy, discoloured, godforsaken layer at the bottom of a bath. That is the first thing that immediately popped into my head when I saw this Twitter prompt:
What inanimate object gives you the ick? Mine is shower curtains 😭
Obviously not all baths are disgusting. But my tolerance for how much deviation from the perfect norm I’ll accept is probably at its absolute lowest when it comes to the area that is the bottom of a bath. I’m not a particularly picky person when it comes to these sorts of things otherwise. I’ve lived more than my fair share of the dirt grub lifestyle. I’m far from precious. But for some reason, when it comes to the bottom of a bath—it better still be the original fuc*king colour it was when it was made or I will seriously struggle to put any part of my corporeal form inside there.
The bottom of the bath is what really destroys me, but Twitter had a lot of thoughts on the matter that I could 100% see also being an an issue for people:
Windshield wipers that go / \ instead of / /
Grubby looking drinking glasses
This part of a washing machine💀 especially if theres like coins in it from pockets EW
Butt heat. When someone gets up from sitting and you have to sit where they were sitting but the seat has their butt heat. NO! I’ll stand, thanks.
The plastic mats people stick on the floor of the bath 🤢
Toilet seat covers 🤢
Toilet brush holders, dirty stainless steel sinks and pillows without cases.
These things🤢
Water stains on cutlery
When people put their toothbrush in a cup & loads of disgusting slime accumulates at the bottom.
Shared cutlery & mugs in office kitchens. Or even worse, shared sponges & tea towels
It's not really an object but I really cannot deal with swimming pool floors. The changing rooms have me hyperventilating. If there is a used plaster on the floor… oh I'm done!!!!
These kinds of signs
When someone leaves behind microwave splatter
Clear PVC shoes 🤢
Strands of hair, when I find them on anything other than someone's head. Hairbrushes, plugholes, tiled floors. Makes me very queasy. Irrational but unavoidable.
Crushed velvet makes me cringe.
Toilet roll put on backwards. This gif is just stressing me out.
Bar mats 😰 as a server, I had to clean these out every night and they got SO gross with people’s old drinks it makes my skin itch
The stickers you get on apples and other fruit 🍎 🍌 🥝
Those professional photos of the whole family pretending to have fun
I can't stand cutlery with plastic handles moulded on. I'd sooner eat the food outta the dog's dish. Creeps me out.
These… and if they have a hair on them 🤮
those brown bristle welcome mats like
When people put wet umbrellas on the floor that then gets dirt and stuff stuck to it 🤢🤢🤢🤢
Wooden spoons and wooden cutting boards….especially if they’re wet 😖
The rage and disgust when the shower curtain sticks to your skin. Have you ever thrown hands at a shower curtain?
Petr is a staff contributor. You can follow him on Twitter.
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