‘Hear us out’

2022-07-22 19:10:33 By : Ms. ANNIE HU

Even as Ahmedabad Fire and Emergency Services (AFES) sought affidavits from hospitals with Intensive Care Unit (ICU) facilities over an oral order by Gujarat High Court relating to fire safety on June 30, hospitals in Ahmedabad demand their side to be taken into account. Members of various doctors associations told Mirror that they are seeking, what in judicial terms, is known as ‘audi alteram partem’, the right for both sides to be heard before a judicial forum. Dr Bharat Gadhavi, president of Ahmedabad Hospitals and Nursing Homes Association said, “We doctors have not been heard and we want to be heard.”

When asked to expound on the objections, Dr Gadhavi said, “We have many objections to the points made in the letter. Critical care experts will be explaining these concerns at a meeting on Tuesday.” The Chief Justice of Gujarat HC in an order on  the PIL 118/2020 on June 30, had included 11 points related to fire safety to be ensured in hospitals (especially for ICUs), by the respondents. These include – the use of fire retardant material for bedsheets, curtains, ceiling and cladding, monthly servicing of ventilators, electric points and ACs, use of ELCB and MCB for electrical wiring, sprinkler system in ICU which should be serviced once a month, and ICU should be preferably located only on the ground floor with alternate exits wide enough to roll the beds out. The oral order further states that ventilators and filters to be installed at ground level with fresh air to be inducted from terrace, amber yellow emergency lights with auto starting sensors, glass facades to be removed from staircases leaving them fully ventilated above parapet wall and that glass facades not be permitted on hospitals in any event. Speaking to Mirror, doctors expressed dismay at the letters sent by the civic body, which asks hospitals to submit information on their level of compliance with the oral orders of the HC within 7 days, so that the AFES can further submit an affidavit to the high court. One of their major arguments is regarding a point in the AMC letter about the ICU being located on the ground floor. “There cannot be an ICU on the ground floor where there is most public movement.” Doctors also noted that fires in hospitals did not just take place in Ahmedabad, but all over Gujarat and India at large. Action just by the municipal corporation of one city would hardly solve the problem. The letters by the AFES were on Monday evening followed by the format of the affidavit to be submitted by the hospitals and nursing homes, which has also been accessed by Mirror. The format of the affidavit states that, “In accordance with... our hospital/nursing home is complying with the directions (a to k) of the court and are timely informing the Fire Department/Estate Town Development Dept of the same. We are filing an affidavit to comply with the directions given by the court.” Mirror also found that while many corporate hospitals in the city had received these letters to file affidavits, neither of the two major public sector hospitals, Ahmedabad Civil Hospital and GMERS Sola MCH, had received them. This was confirmed by their respective medical superintendents. However, Ahmedabad Chief Fire Officer (CFO) Jayesh Khadia said, “We just began sending out the letters a day ago and the process is still underway. All hospitals which have ICU facilities, regardless of public or private sector, will receive it.” With the civic facility not having a comprehensive list of hospitals with ICU facilities, fire station officers of the AFES were individually visiting hospitals in the city to check if they had ICU facilities and serving them letters. CFO Khadia said that the complete list of such hospitals will be compiled only after the work by station fire officers is completed.

11 points related to fire safety to be ensured in hospitals (especially for ICUs) These include – the use of fire retardant material for bedsheets, curtains, ceiling and cladding, monthly  servicing of ventilators, electric points and ACs, use of ELCB and MCB for electrical wiring, sprinkler system in ICU which should be serviced once a month, and ICU should be preferably located only on the ground floor with alternate exits wide enough to roll the beds out.

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