24 Fun Minute to Win it Easter Games - Teaching Expertise

2022-08-26 19:13:18 By : Ms. jeannette Auyeung

August 17, 2022 //  by Nicole Muir

The Easter season is filled with fun, laughs and of course, sweet treats. You can combine all of these things this Easter season at your next party or gathering. Including Minute to Win it games on your party's agenda will ensure your guests have a great time, let loose and enjoy their time at your gathering.  These types of games are quick and can often be done with items you already have at home or can buy inexpensively.

The goal of this game is to stand as many eggs as you can upright. It is a challenge because you need to balance the eggs and keep them balanced as you prop up the other ones. You can use chocolate eggs or real eggs! It will still be challenging.

This game will have you trying to knock down the other player's peeps in a line on the other side of the table with empty, plastic Easter eggs. This can even be a team game as it is an awesome Easter ice-breaker game idea.

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Playing this game outside or laying down a table cloth would be a good idea before starting this game is an excellent idea. Crazy fun games like this one tend to get messy! You can work through this game as a team.

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The preparation of this game is simple. Collecting empty plastic Easter eggs and breaking them up a few minutes prior to this activity is all that is needed. This Easter egg game is inexpensive as well. It will become a favorite game among your guests.

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This favorite party game is reminiscent of the similar cookie face game from the televised Minute to Win it game. The game is so simple that all you need is a few pieces of candy to play. Can you get the piece of candy from your forehead into your mouth?

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These bunny bowling pins will keep your guests entertained and engaged. You can make your own DIY pins or can purchase them at a low cost. You can win Easter candies or bunny candy if you get a strike!

You can choose to play this flying peeps game listed or you can simply purchase the whole ring of game ideas with its cards. You can use leftover candy from around your house so you don't need to buy any more. Use your favorite candy!

You can involve so many participants in a game like this! Your guests will have an awesome time jumping around tied to their partner. It is guaranteed to be a fun family time as well. Using cheap dollar store bandanas, ropes or ties, you can make this game happen!

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Transferring the cotton balls using chopsticks or skewers is the goal of this game. Your participants will require some finger dexterity, motor skills and focus. You might even get a bonus prize if are the first one to complete this game!

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You'll need to carefully fan the pizza box to move the eggs slowly. Easter activities like these can come to life with left over pizza boxes and eggs you have in your fridge. You can give award prizes to the people who win.

Cheap supplies are all that are needed for this Minute to Win it Easter activity. You only need some eggs and some participants. What is the greatest distance they can pass their egg to their partner in such a short time span?

You can purchase these cards if you are looking for quick ideas in the moment. These are helpful to have on hand so that you can pull them out when you need them most. They include detailed instructions to help any guest have a great time.

The first step is to dismantle the plastic egg halves. One person on each team will stack the egg halves into the tallest tower they possibly can. Party games like this will give your guests something to focus on and laugh about as they definitely will.

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You'd be surprised how hard this task is to complete when you are under a time limit! Playing this game will be a fun time for adults and kids, and it is sure to get competitive! Colorful plastic eggs and 2 baskets per participant are all that is needed.

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Test out your balance and stability as you run to the finish line with your egg on the spoon. You can make this more challenging by using metal spoons, create a longer distance to cover or have them hold the spoon in their mouths instead.

The aim of the game is to transfer jelly beans from one plate to another using a straw by creating a sucking motion. This game takes up minimal time and will be their favorite minute of the day. You can use those jelly beans you probably already bought.

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This game is inherently tricky and exciting. How many jelly beans can you get from one plate to enough by using your mouth to control the spoon that scoops them up? Participants will have a blast as they run with their spoons in their mouths!

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Shake that tail! Getting all of the ping pong balls out of the tissue box that is attached to your waist with a string is how this game is played. The player that has the most ping pong balls out of their box by the end wins.

Popsicle sticks are perfect for this activity. You can work on balancing mini chocolate eggs or jelly beans. The hardest part of this game is trying not to laugh, smile or break your focus as you try to keep the stick balanced and steady.

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Stack these peeps up and up and up! A couple of rows or packages of peeps is more than enough to play this game. Who can make the tallest tower of peeps and keep them from falling down before the timer goes off in this Minute to Win it a game?

Using the unused colorful plastic Easter spoons you have during a party, you can try to flip the spoons into the cup that is spaced out a few inches in front of you. Games for adults like this are fun and can get seriously competitive.

Fill two taped together 1-liter bottles with mini and narrow chocolate eggs or jellybeans. See if the participant can shake all of the contents from one of the plastic bottles down towards the bottom bottle in the short minute they are given.

Sometimes children receive bouncy balls as Easter prizes they discover in their hidden plastic Easter eggs. They can try to bounce their ball and get it in the stack of cups they are holding. Even the adults can attempt this game! It is harder than it looks.

Create some hilarious memories as you and your participants scoot on carpets or towels with a spoon in your mouth. The spoon you are carrying will have a plastic egg for you to carefully balance as you scoot to drop it off!

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