Fletcher Farm School, June classes - The Vermont Journal & The Shopper

2022-05-20 21:15:22 By : Mr. Jaron Tang

LUDLOW, Vt. – Summer is rapidly approaching at the Fletcher Farm School for the Arts and Crafts in Ludlow, Vt., and we have some announcements about our June classes at the School. All of our summer classes are also posted on the website www.fletcherfarm.org, and new classes are being added weekly.

Q1 – June 3-5 – Liberated Quilting – Susan Balch –Reg. deadline 5/24/22. Learn a process of quilt making with no rules, no patterns, no points to match, and seams that don’t have to be exact. It’s a great way to use fabric that you have on hand. Your quilt will be uniquely your own. You may choose to do a “liberated” version of a traditional pattern, or you can choose a more intuitive approach. Complete a small quilt or wall hanging, or begin a larger project if you choose. Come with your sewing machine, fabric, sewing supplies, and a curious mind.

S9 – June 10-11 – (12-3 on 6/10, 9-4 on 6/11) – Barn Quilts – Janet Flinchbaugh – Reg. deadline 5/31/22. Barn quilts are all the rage these days. Come and create your own wooden “quilt” to adorn your house or barn or cottage. In this one-and-a-half day class, you will choose a pattern and plot your design, then paint it to hang outdoors. No quilting experience necessary.

F4 – June 11 (a.m.) – Felted Landscapes – Sandi Cirillo – Reg. deadline 6/1/22. In this class, you will learn about the felt making process using wool, soap, and water to create a beautiful felted landscape made entirely of wool. Wet felting and dry needle felting techniques will be demonstrated. This is a hands-on class, so come prepared for lots of felted fun!

F5 – June 11 (p.m.) – Silk Shibori – Sandi Cirillo – Reg. deadline 6/1/22. Shibori is a Japanese resist method of creating designs on silk scarves using a PVC pipe. You will leave this class with two silk scarves you have created using this resist method. You’ll also have time to paint directly on your scarves.

B4 – June 12 – Make a Versatile Basket – Dona Nazarenko – Reg. deadline 6/2/22. Not too big nor too small, this tote will do the job for berry picking. It’s also the perfect size to use for your hobby, craft, or any garden needs. Woven with natural and dyed reed, this hangs nicely with the attached soft Shaker strap to carry around or rest on your shoulders. A very handy basket, you will be proud to use and display it.

W3 – June 13-15 – Introduction to Chip Carving – Dennis Wilson – Reg. deadline 6/3/22. This course will introduce students to Chip Carving, a craft in which a knife is used to incise designs created by the removal of small pieces, called chips, from the wood. Chip carved plates, jewelry, keepsake boxes, trays, breadboards, furniture, and other items make wonderful personal items and gifts. Some carving experience is helpful but not necessary. Chip carving knives will be loaned to you, although students may pre-purchase knives from these makers: www.mychipcarving.com, www.chipcarving.com, or www.flexcut.com.

B1 – June 18 – Bucket Basket – Meg Kupiec – Reg. deadline 6/8/22. This basket is an original design by your instructor. You will work with round, flat, and flat oval reed and learn the most popular weaving methods. Attention will center on sizing your basket to fit the wooden swing handle.

S1 – June 18-19 – Creative Metalworking – Piper Strong – Reg. deadline 6/8/22. The Creative Metalworking class will explore techniques in welding, brazing, and forming sheet metal into 3D shapes. The goal is to learn by creating your own small sculpture. You will explore organic and geometric forms, using a plasma cutter, torches, hand tools, and your own imagination. Two days will cover the basics, give you time be creative, and learn how to setup your own home studio. All abilities are welcome.

W4 – June 25-26 – Introduction to Green Wood Spoon Making – Andre Souligny – Reg. deadline 6/15/22. Green wood spoon making relies on the combination of easy-to-carve, freshly harvested hardwood, razor sharp tools, and steady, thoughtful technique. Students will be introduced to various tool handling techniques involved in transforming freshly harvested green wood into personal wooden spoons for use cooking, serving, and eating. The schedule will be dictated by the skill and progression of the group. Day one will focus on preparing green wood spoon blanks, including hatchet techniques, sawing stop cuts, and shaping with the shaving horse, drawknife, and spoke shave. Day two will be devoted to working with the straight and bent knife, learning safe knife holds and carving techniques, drying, and decorative embellishments such as finials, chip carving, and kohlrosing. Overall attention will be devoted to safe and attentive tool handling and practicing the basic techniques.

F10 – June 26 – Woven Journal – Jean Reed – Reg. deadline 6/16/22. Journals are unique, personal, and mystical. Using strips of decorative paper, in various colors and patterns, you will cut and then weave your journal covers and adhere them to chip board. Once completed, you will make signatures (page inserts) and embellish them. Papers will be supplied to you for signatures and embellishing your pages. Students are urged to bring ribbons, family photos, buttons, beads, etc. to embellish their journal. Journals measure 5” x 5”.

Y9 – June 27-30 – Create, Imagine, and Explore with Ms. Karner – Rachel Karner – Reg. deadline 6/17/22. Have a week of creating and making art! There will be projects to be inspired by, but there will be a lot of time for the artists to use their imagination at their will! Materials will be varied, from watercolors, acrylic paints, oil pastels, tie dye, and more! There will be a schedule each day including free art time, art projects to learn from, fun crafts, snack, and play time outside.