Fly-like insects, dirty floors, sticky residue: York County restaurant inspections -

2022-06-03 22:29:04 By : Ms. Winnie zheng

The following York County restaurants were found to have violated Pennsylvania’s health and safety regulations during inspections between Jan. 3-9.

Inspections are overseen by the Department of Agriculture. The department notes that in many cases violations are corrected by the restaurant before inspectors leave.

--Walk-in refrigerator observed to be 47 degrees F, rather than 41 degrees. No food was observed in refrigerator.

--Gyro cooking equipment observed with encrusted food residue on non-food contact surfaces, and are in need of cleaning.

--Observed, the following non-food contact surfaces not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil: -Carryout drink lid storage bin. -Door gasket on the fry/hash brown freezer. -Inside bottom shelf of the Pancake holding cooler. -Door gasket of the raw product staging freezer. -Air intake covers and air diffuser covers through out the kitchen/back of the house area. -Walk-in freezer floor.


--Observed exhaust vent grate, over-top of pizza oven has an accumulation of static dust build-up at the time of inspection.

--Observed freezer unit sliding door grooves, within kitchen area, having an accumulation of dirt and food residue, on non-food contact surfaces.

--Food Employee observed changing tasks that may have contaminated hands without a proper hand-wash in-between.

--Observed deeply scored cutting board, not resurfaced or discarded as required. Discarded at the time of the inspection by Chris Loxas.

--Observed, Floor in the Kitchen area, in front of the walk-in freezer door, is made of tile and is cracked/roughened and is not a smooth, easily cleanable surface.

126 Old York Road, New Cumberland

--Observed cardboard, an absorbent material, being used on food facility floors, in the walk-in freezer.


31 W. Hanover St., Spring Grove

--Can opener blade and soda nozzles, food contact surfaces, were observed to have food residue and was not clean to sight and touch. Corrected.

--Flour storage container, in the prep area, is not labeled with the common name of the food.

--Observed onions stored directly on the floor in prep area, rather than six inches off of the floor as required. Corrected.

--Observed wet wiping cloths throughout facility, not being stored in sanitizer solution. Corrected.

3100 Cape Horn Road, Red Lion

--Observed flooring underneath drive-thru equipment and storage racks within rear having a large accumulation of trash, dirt and old food debris at the time of inspection.

--Observed front and rear area flooring (corners and crevices) soiled with trash, black soot and food debris and in need of cleaning at this time.

--Observed cabinet shelving unit underneath self service customer fountain station in retail, non-food contact surfaces not cleaned at a frequency to preclude large accumulation of liquid spill and soil at the time of inspection.

--Observed top and bottom areas of fry warming station, within front area, having an accumulation of grease, salt and food residue at the time of inspection.

3103 Cape Horn Road, Red Lion

--Loose/ripped rubber door gaskets observed on the bottom prep area freezer unit.

--Observed shelving unit underneath oven and cooking equipment, in front, drive-thru and rear areas, with a large accumulation of dust, dirt and old-food residue and in need of immediate cleaning.

--Observed soft drink display case within drive-thru area, having an accumulation of hard sticky residue inside of unit at the time of inspection. Bottom area is need of immediate cleaning.

--Observed prep table bottom freezer units, in front area, with a large accumulation of old-food residue/debris at the time of inspection.

--Observed shelving underneath donut display case in the front area of food facility not cleaned at a frequency to preclude large accumulation of dirt and old food soil.

--Entrance door located in the front area of the food facility has a gap in between both double doors and does not protect against the entry of insects, rodents, and other animals. Entrance doors need weather strip replacement at this time.

--Observed fan grates within walk-in cooler having and large accumulation of static dust build-up at the time of inspection.

--Observed ceiling vents within dining room and food ordering/pick-up areas has a large accumulation of static dust build-up and in need of cleaning.

--Observed walk-in cooler flooring within food facility is extremely dirty, dusty, and in need of cleaning.

--Observed all flooring (corners; along bottom wall) throughout the entire facility is extremely dirty with trash, dirt, dust and food soil/debris and in need of immediate cleaning.

--Floor around hand washing sink in back area observed to be dirty and in need of cleaning.

--Wall behind prep table observed with an accumulation of food debris and residue and is in need of cleaning.

--Walls, ceiling, and oven hood system throughout facility observed with an accumulation of static dust and are in need of cleaning.

--Cove base missing by drive thru window.


--Three-compartment sink in kitchen does not have an adequate air gap of at least one inch, between the water supply and flood rim of the sink.

--Pipe missing at sink in bar area.


3111 Cape Horn Road, Red Lion

--Observed flooring within walk-in cooler and freezer has an accumulation of old food and trash debris and in need of cleaning.

--Observed floor drains and PVC piping throughout the food facility is heavily soiled with brown slimy material and dirt debris at the time of inspection.

--Observed fan grates within walk-in cooler and exhaust fan above drive-thru having an large accumulation of static dust build-up and in need of cleaning at this time.

--Observed bread storage racks, in front and rear areas, with an accumulation of dirt and old-food residue on non-food contact surfaces and in need of cleaning.

--Observed shelving underneath prep tables, in rear area, having an accumulation old-food residue and in need of cleaning.

--Observed raw beef stored above ready-to-eat foods in the refrigerator.

--Observed several broken and missing floor tiles in the kitchen area.

--Observed dried food residue on the back side of the deli slicer.

--Chlorine chemical sanitizer residual detected in the final sanitizer rinse cycle of the low temperature sanitizing dishwasher was zero ppm, and not 50-100 ppm as required. Manual sanitizer will be used until repaired.

--Potato cutter and can opener, a food contact surface, was observed to have old caked on food residue and was not clean to sight and touch.

--Ceiling vents throughout facility observed with an accumulation of static dust and are in need of cleaning.

--Working containers in wait station area, used for storing chemicals, cleaners taken from bulk supplies, were not marked with the common name of the chemical. Corrected.


--A temperature measuring device for measuring manual ware-washing wash and sanitizing water temperatures is not available.

--Plumbing system not maintained in good repair

-- Kitchen employee toilet is not flushing properly and has been placed out of service. Kitchen staff have other toilet rooms available for use.

--Paint is cracked and chipping off the floor in the Kitchen Employee toilet room.

--Cleanablity of floors. Painted concrete flooring in food prep and food service areas is chipping and peeling in various locations. Repeat violation.

--Lights are not shielded or shatterproof over the front and dining area ceiling light fixture at the time of inspection.

--Observed caulking along rear area of three(three) compartment sink has black bacteria/mold-like residue forming along caulking at the time of inspection.

--Observed store room flooring having dust and trash accumulation and in need of cleaning.

--Ambient air temperature measuring device for ensuring proper food storage in upright double sided cooling unit in kitchen/service area, is not accurate to +/- 3F.

--The food facility does not have the original certificate for the certified food employee posted in public view.

--Ceiling tile missing above ice machine, and need replaced.

--Observed several drain fly-like insects throughout the facility.

--Ceiling vents and hood vent observed with an accumulation of static dust and are in need of cleaning.

--Temperature measuring device for ensuring proper temperature of equipment is not available or readily accessible in small milk refrigerators.

--Prep unit drawers observed with an accumulation of food debris and residue and are in need of cleaning.

--Back exit door has a gap and does not protect against the entry of insects, rodents, and other animals.

--Floor under equipment observed with an accumulation of debris and residue and is in need of cleaning.

854 U.S. Highway 15 North, Dillsburg

--Observed an accumulation of static dust in the ceiling vent near the pizza oven, on the racking at the station near the pizza warmers, and on the racking and ceiling in the walk-in cooler.

--Observed a missing light shield in the back storage area.

--Uncovered/untreated wood subfloor has been installed in the bar area as part of a re-floor in that area. The project has not been completed the wood subfloor is not smooth non-absorbent and easily cleanable.

--One of two windows in the kitchen does not have a frame around it to close gaps between window and wall.

--Rooms both upstairs and down have excessive amounts of household/crafting and various other items prohibiting thorough cleaning of those areas.

648 E. Forest Ave., New Freedom

--Observed fan grates within walk-in freezer having a large accumulation of static dust development and in need of cleaning.

--Delivery door located in the rear kitchen area of the food facility has a gap at the bottom and does not protect against the entry of insects, rodents, and other animals.

--Excessive unused equipment, building materials and supplies stored in a basement room prohibit proper cleaning in that area.

--Floor in the kitchen around the stove area is made of tile and is cracked/roughened and is not a smooth, easily cleanable surface.

The following establishments had no violations


1472 Roth’s Church Road, Ste #103 Spring Grove

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